I learned at the very beginning of my journey that not
everything deserves a reaction. Granted it's okay to
stand up for ourselves. But we are in the driver seat here.
We are the ones who gets to choose what we do and do not respond
to. And 99% percent of what happens more than likely is not worth
our time nor energy.
So, how do we just stop reacting you many ask? It's quite simple
really. Here are a few exercises that you can try that have helped me.
1. You can just ignore the negative comments, the gossip. Choose
not to get involved. And, if someone asks you to, simple say;
"This is something I don't want to get involved in." and leave it
at that. If they keep pushing, just ignore them or you can remove
yourself from the environment all together.
2. Turn off the freaking TV and put that energy into something that
you actually enjoy doing. Reading a book, going for a walk, go to the beach.
Should I continue? The reason I say turn off the TV is because there is
so much negativity, that even though we may not realize it, we are still
soaking it in. Like a sponge. And before we know, we start reacting to
every single little thing. It's just not worth it!
3. This is absolutely the most important one. Ready?
Stop caring what other people think about you! BOOM!
Mind-blowing, right?! See, that is one of our biggest issues in our society-
we're way too concerned about what others think about us. Most people don't
even like themselves, so who the hell cares if they like you or not?
Do you like you? Actually the more important question is, do you love yourself?
Not caring about what others think about you is one of the most empowering
lessons you will ever learn. It was for me. You're no longer bound to the
exceptions and the limitations that they have placed on you. Or the ones
you have placed on yourself for that matter. You'll fine that you've stopped
reacting to the comments like: "You should do this", "You should do that",
"You're making a mistake, that'll never work out". So how do you stop caring
what others think about you? I'll cover that in my next post.
Have a magically blessed day!
Hell yes spot on!!