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Should We Talk About Our Past and How Does That Tie In With the Healing Process?

When I was speaking with a friend of mine a couple of weeks ago about our limiting beliefs, we also touched on the topic of whether or not we should talk about what happened in our past and how in doing so ties in with the process of our healing journey.

This really is such a deep topic for us to explore. From my own experience and in my perspective, in order for us to heal and move on from any unresolved pain or traumas, we need to revisit what has caused us that pain and trauma. That requires us to go back and into the past. This could be a scary concept for some because those experiences are so ingrained in us that it can be hard to revisit them without us identifying or attaching ourselves to those events. However, with practice and over time, with a lot of commitment on our part to wanting to heal from that pain and trauma, we can remove those identifications and attachments so they longer detach us from our authenticity.

This also comes with the awareness that this is a life long journey because no matter how much work we do on ourselves to let go of the pain of the past, there will come a time when we are faced with a situation where we are triggered back to that moment in time. To that time where we are reminded when we felt unloved, hurt, and abandoned. Yet on the same token because of the work we have done, we have the awareness that those triggers, those reminders that come to surface are just what we need to remind us of how far we have come along on our journey and that we have moved on and healed from those events. And most importantly, those should be celebrated. We need to celebrate the healed just as much as we need to celebrate the process of healing. Because when we do, it tells our hearts - our inner-child if you will - how proud we are of ourselves for taking the steps necessary in finding the strength and courage it takes to peel back the layers and go on the adventure of self-discovery.

It’s in the talking about our past too where we have the opportunity to look at things from a fresh perspective in that what has happened was a result of those who ultimately went through some sort of trauma themselves, they just didn’t have the resources and support needed to heal from that and as a result that unresolved pain got passed down to us. Now, please don’t misunderstand me, I’m not making excuses for what happened and saying that what they did is okay. What I am saying is that in having this awareness is that it opens our hearts more to being able to come from a space of forgiveness. That also doesn’t mean that we have to keep said people in our lives, that decision my friends is a choice that you have to make on your own.

Also when we do talk about our past, it helps us to release the emotions that we have been holding onto. It helps to realize whether or not we’ve even held on to them consciously or unconsciously. It’s never good to hold on to and to suppress those emotions. Or any emotion for that matter. It’s not good for us both mentally or physically. So talking about what happened, no matter how painful, is extremely helpful in releasing those pent up emotions.

Our emotions are a beautiful gateway to not only let go of the pain of the past, but in discovering who we are and our full potential as well. How else are we supposed to create our own reality and make our dreams come true if it weren’t for the love and acceptance of the meaning and the lessons behind our emotions? We learn what does and doesn’t resonate with us. We learn what actions need to be taken in order to manifest our hearts desires. All the while with the awareness that we can and should be able to pivot and change course at a moment’s notice because that’s what life and us are all about - change.

That’s another big lesson too behind talking about our emotions is the change we feel within ourselves and start in others. It creates this beautiful ripple effect of inspirational change. We may not see right away, but never-the-less the seed has been planted, waiting to be bloomed into a beautiful tree that is firmly grounded in strength, courage, and confidence.

See, the past is just like the roots of that tree. It’s always going to be there. But it doesn’t define who we are. We grow up from those roots, into something that stands tall and strong. With hundreds, if not thousands of branches reaching up to the sky. Those branches become the people we inspire by talking about our past and the lessons we have learned from it and about ourselves along the way. And from those branches birth other branches who are then inspired to share their story. And what is on the tips of those branches - bright vibrant colors of greens, reds, yellows, and oranges of the leaves that bloom as an expression of love and gratitude that we get to witness of us collectively coming together to lift each other from the ground up.

Sending love and light for a magically blessed day!!

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