I am fearless
In letting go of any limiting beliefs and old programming
That has kept me from experiencing my authentic self.
I am fearless
In pursuing my goals and aspirations as they are
What sets my soul on fire.
I am fearless
In connecting back with my inner child as she longs
To run around and explore the adventures of life.
I am fearless
In expressing my emotions for they are the release
Needed to be vulnerable in communicating my thoughts
And feelings to those around me.
I am fearless
And not ashamed of my tears, for they are what hold space
And allows the damn to break to wash my soul a new.
Cleansing it with love when releasing energy that no longer
Serves me or in celebration of dreams come true.
I am fearless
In tearing down the walls built around my heart to welcome
In the beautiful souls who are meant to be in my life with open arms.
I am fearless
In doing things that I have never done before. For those
Things are what show me exactly the true depth of my
Inner-strength and confidence.
I am fearless
In trying things again when they don’t work out the first
Time and knowing when it’s time to let go and move on.
I am fearless
To tap into my creative energy for that is where I can also
Let my inner child come out and play and create beautiful works of art.
I am fearless
In loving and accepting myself for who I am unconditionally.
I Am Fearless!