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I Am Courageous!: A Self-Empowerment Poem

Updated: May 18, 2023

In a world where there are those who tell me who I should be, I am courageous to be the person I am meant to be.

In a world where I was told that expressing my emotions

Is a sign of weakness, I feel no shame nor guilt for fully

Expressing my emotions as they come to the surface.

In a world where I have been conditioned that women can only do certain things, I am courageous to step into my personal power with the awareness that I can do anything that I set my heart and mind to.

In a world where I am expected to conform to the belief structures of society, I am courageous to adhere to my own core values and moral compass.

In a world where there is division and exclusion, I am courageous to love and accept everyone for who they are at the core.

I am courageous as I continue this lifelong journey of stepping out of my comfort zone and laying down a foundation of love and forgiveness as I continue to tear down walls.

I am courageous!

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