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I Am Attentive!: A Self-Empowerment Poem

Updated: May 18, 2023

I am attentive

To the way my body responds to the energy that is around me.

I am attentive

To the thought and language patterns that are running

Through my mind to be aware of the energy they are

Putting out into my outer world.

I am attentive

To how a deep inhale of my breath brings in love and light

While exhaling what no longer serves my higher self.

I am attentive

To my emotions, making sure that they are given space

To be felt, loved, and released. Never keeping anything

Bottled up inside. Knowing that they are showing me

Something new about myself or reminding me of my inner


I am attentive

To the beautiful ways my spirit team communicates with me.

I am attentive

To my intuition as it lights the path on the road map of life.

I am attentive

To the true essence of who I really am on a spiritual level

While being grateful for this human experience that is taking

Me on a magical journey of self-discovery.

I am attentive!

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