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How can you use courage to walk away from what no longer serves you?

Updated: Jan 23, 2023

How can you use courage to walk away from what no longer serves you?

Walking away from something or someone isn’t always easy, however sometimes in order for us to grow and move on to the next phase in our lives we need to be able to let go of what we know in our hearts has run its course.

That doesn’t necessarily mean that things have to end on bad terms, a situation can just as well end on a high note if we so choose to. And even if it doesn’t end all that well, we can still carry the exact same lessons with us moving forward.

See, every person, every situation comes into our lives for one particular reason - and that is to teach us something. They teach us how to be just a little more patient, how to look at things from a different perspective, how strong and resilient we are, and they come into our lives to show us the true meaning of what love really is. Even if it’s just for a moment in time.

How do we know when it’s “the right time” to walk away? The heart just knows. You’ll know when it doesn’t excite you anymore. You’ll know when you keep getting all these signs that are starting to point you the opposite direction.

So where does courage play a role in all this? Being that it can be quite difficult to walk away from something or someone that you’ve put so much time and effort into, I’d invite you to sit down and ask yourself what it is that you really want from the situation. Have you tried to make things work out and if so what were the results? And ask yourself, what is it that you want moving forward? If you have to set an end date to be out of a situation, then set an end date. Just as you would any goal. Just don’t make it too far in advance. You don’t have to stay in a situation that is having a negative impact on your mental wellbeing. You have every right to walk away. No matter how scary it may seem. The heart knows when the right time is to walk away. And the heart will be so much lighter and freer when you follow your heart and start listening to what that inner guidance is telling you it’s time to do. Courage is loving yourself as you take that first step into the freedom of the unknown. Think of all the magical things that you will discover once you take that first step! Not just about yourself, but about the world around you!

For me, love and courage go hand in hand. The more we love and accept ourselves for who we are, the more courageous and confident we become. And the more courage and confident we become, it makes the foundation of the love we have for ourselves even stronger.

I’ll leave you with this; what situation do you need the courage to leave and what are you willing to do to be able to leave that situation?

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need to chat.

Have a magically blessed day!!

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Unknown member
Nov 18, 2022

It can definitely be painful to let go of what no longer serves us because we can be too attached. The fear of losing someone or something can be so great that we don't even see just how heavy the issue is...or sometimes we are too close to the problem to see it's negative impact. Throughout my life I had to let go of toxic or one-sided friendships. Sometimes they were the toxic ones, I was the toxic one, or we were toxic to each other. Many times I held on longer than I should have. Each time I let go, I learned how I could be a better friend or what traits to look for in a quality friendship…

Carla H
Carla H
Nov 18, 2022
Replying to

There is so much wisdom here! Sometimes we may not necessarily want to let go, but need to in order for us to grow and expand in new ways. And to have that reflection of our toxic traits so we don't carry that over into new relationships and opportunities is so important. Sending love, Courtney! 🤗

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