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Feel the Ebb and Flow of Awareness of Who We Are Destined To Be.

Awareness is coming to the realization that we all will take our final breath someday, but maybe the awareness of “death” goes much deeper than our physical bodies. The old self has to die in order for the new self to be reborn. Just as the Death card in the Tarot deck so beautiful demonstrates.

The awareness here, lies in that even though we have been reborn and have started this new and amazing journey, we are always meant to keep changing and evolving. It’s a never ending cycle of rebirth, of evolution.

I don’t know about you, but I embrace the changes I feel happening inside of me and around me. Life has this funny way of giving us little nudges, and yes sometimes shoves, to get us were we are destined to be. We see and feel the signs all around us. Nothing is meant to last forever. Life would become one gigantic snooze fest after a while if everything just stayed the same. One could even argue it would be like a zombie apocalypse. We would all be walking around with a zoned out look on our faces. We’d become so miserable by the stagnancy of it all, by the mundane; that we would try and do anything and everything within our power to create the change we so desperately seek.

So why not take that personal power we all have and create the change now instead of waiting for life to kick us in the ass?

Why not dive in head first into the deep end and see what magic and wonder lies underneath the surface? Ever been scuba diving and think that it’s the most magical thing you’ve ever witnessed? Just like that. MAGIC!

What do you have to lose? And are you willing to risk it all to get there?

Sending love and light for a magically blessed day!!

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